This is an example model to use *EOS_HVRB with LS-DYNA S-ALE or ALE. Note: only works for DEV and R12 trunk exes later than 10/26/2020. (Later than DEV-80176-gff57e08fa1 or bR12-1603-g5f10957369). works with dev-81262-g338ee7f74d Fringe MISC->History Variable #5 To use S-ALE, include the mesh file "mesh_sale.k" in aledef.k To use ALE2D, include "mesh_ale2d.k"; ALE3D, "mesh_ale3d.k" 2D or 3D, switch bewteen the SECTION_ALE2D and SECTION_SOLID in aledef.k. This is the only change needed!