The LS-DYNA Theory Manual, in the description of mat 3, defines effective plastic strain as follows, (equation) Characteristics of effective plastic strain are: - Calculated incrementally using the equivalent plastic strain rate. - It's non-negative and monotonically increasing. - Increases whenever the material is actively yielding, i.e.,whenever the state of stress is on the yield surface. uses the same equation as above in defining "equivalent plastic strain". [Thus] effective plastic strain and equivalent plastic strain are interchangeable terms, that is, they mean the same thing. jd Ticket#2018110510000052 ___________________________________________________________ Effective plastic strain is a monotonically increasing scalar value which is calculated incrementally as a function of (Dp)ij, the plastic component of the rate of deformation tensor. In tensorial notation, this is expressed as... epspl = integral over time of (depspl) = integral [ sqrt( 2/3 (Dp)ij (Dp)ij ) ] dt This particular definition applies to J2 plasticity (Ref: Ticket#2017110110000132). (See the equation for effective plastic strain in the description of Material Model 3 in the LS-DYNA Theory Manual. To understand the notation, look under the heading of "Summation Convention" in this page... or see for a screenshot.) Effective plastic strain grows whenever the material is actively yielding, i.e., whenever the state of stress is on the yield surface. In contrast, the tensorial strain values, written by LS-DYNA when STRFLG is set to 1 in *database_extent_binary, are not necessarily monotonically increasing as they reflect the current, total (elastic + plastic) state of deformation. To fringe the tensorial strains in LS-PrePost, click Fcomp > Strain. _______________________________________________________ RE: Effective strain Effective strain is NOT the same thing as effective plastic strain. Effective strain, expressed in tensorial notation, is epseff = sqrt[ 2/3 (epsdev)ij (epsdev)ij ] where epsdev are deviatoric strains. (See the description of mat 19 in the Theory Manual.) In terms of tensorial strains, epseff = sqrt(2.0*(sx^2+sy^2+sz^2)/3.0 + (sxy^2+syz^2+szx^2)/3.0) In terms of principal strains, epseff = sqrt(2.0*(s1^2+s2^2+s3^2)/3.0) The effective strain calculation in LS-PrePost is as follows: tensor strains sx,sy,sz,sxy,syz,szx mean strain p=(sx+sy+sz)/3 deviatoric strains dx = sx - p, dy = sy - p, dz = sz - p aa = sxy^2 + syz^2 + sxz^2 - dx * dy - dy * dz - dx * dz effective strain es = sqrt(4*abs(aa)/3) See for a test case for shells which includes a spreadsheet. ____________________________________________________________ For a simple, 1-element illustration of various strain measures, run and then overlay time histories of z-strain, effective strain, and effective plastic strain. Other measures of strain can be fringed in LS-PrePost but these are calculated by LS-PrePost from nodal coordinates, e.g., Fcomp > Infin (infinitesimal or engineering strain) Fcomp > Green Fcomp > Almansi Be aware the infinitesimal strain is affected by rotation of the element as illustrated by Strain measures are addressed in ______________________________________________ RE: von Mises stress For definition of effective stress, aka von Mises stress, try the following links: In tensorial notation, effective stress is sqrt[ 3/2 (sij)(sij) ] where sij are deviatoric stresses. sigvm = 1/sqrt(2) * sqrt[ (sigx-sigy)^2 + (sigy-sigz)^2 + (sigz-sigx)^2 + 6*sigxy^2 + 6*sigyz^2 + 6*sigzx^2 ] or in terms of principal stresses, sigvm = 1/sqrt(2) * sqrt((sig1-sig2)^2 + (sig2-sig3)^2 + (sig3-sig1)^2)