Rev 2: Replaced note about bulk viscosity for SPH, adding more details. Rev 1: Removed one release note and corrected 2 typos. ____________________________________________________________ This file contains release notes for LS-DYNA version 971 R6.0.0. Herein are summarized most of the new features, enhancements, and significant corrections made since the previous release, 971 R5.1.1. New features are listed first in no particular order. Enhancements and corrections are then listed by category. ________________________ New Features ___________________ Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_LAGRANGE_IN_SOLID Add parameter POREINI and associated options for computing porosity for CTYPE=11 and 12. Keyword: *SECTION_TSHELL, *CONTROL_ACCURACY Add support for objective stress update for all tshell formulations. Keyword: *MAT_181 Add *MAT_SIMPLIFIED_RUBBER/FOAM for truss elements. Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_EIGENVALUE Add postprocessing of eigenforms of isogeometric elements to d3eigv for MPP. Keyword: *MAT_100 Add option to fail all spotweld elements in an assemply simultaneously when one of the elements reaches the failure strain. Keyword: *CONTROL_MPP_CONTACT_GROUPABLE Add control command to invoke groupable contact. Keyword: n/a Add -j option to l2a so as to retain binout prefix in ASCII output files. Keyword: *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_BINARY_... Add frequency range for d3psd in *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_BINARY_D3PSD. Add frequency range for d3ssd in *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_BINARY_D3SSD. Add command *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_BINARY_D3RMS. Add command *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_BINARY_D3FTG. Add command *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_BINARY_D3SSD. Add command *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_BINARY_D3PSD. Add command *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_BINARY_D3ACS. Add command *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_BINARY_D3SPCM. Keyword: *MAT_ADD_AIRBAG_POROSITY_LEAKAGE Add command to specify porosity leakage for non-fabric material in control volume modeled with *AIRBAG_HYBRID and *AIRBAG_WANG_NEFSKE. Keyword: *MAT_219 Add *MAT_CODAM2 for shell, thick shell and brick elements. Keyword: *SENSOR_DEFINE_..._SET Add option of "set" to *sensor_define_node and *sensor_define_element. Keyword: *HOURGLASS Add hourglass formulation 10. Solid element formulation 1 with hourglass formulation 10 is a Cosserat point element, see M. Jabareen and M.B. Rubin, 'A Generalized Cosserat Point Element (CPE) for Isotropic Nonlinear Elastic Materials including Irregular 3-D Brick and Thin Structures', J. Mech. and Mat. Struct., Vol 3 (2008) pp. 1465-1498. Keyword: *CONTACT_TIED_..., *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE Allow for tied contacts in MPP with solid remeshing: the interfaces are completely re-initialized after each adaptive step, which is fine for constraint type contacts, but penalty types might experience accumulated drift/creaping and force discontinuities. Keyword: **BOUNDARY_RADIATION_SET_VF_CALCULATE_RESTART Add a new RESTART capability to the radiation view factor calculator as some viewfactor calculations may take hours to weeks (or even months) to calculate. Keyword: *AIRBAG_PARTICLE Add BLOCK=10/11 to allow physical hole in the airbag due to eroded shells. Keyword: *INITIAL_AIRBAG_PARTICLE_POSITION New command to define initial position of airbag particles. Keyword: *MAT_220 Implement use of shells for *MAT_RIGID_DISCRETE. Keyword: *CONTROL_RIGID Add plot element generation parameter (PLOTEL) for nodal rigid bodies. Keyword: *PART_..._AVERAGED Add AVERAGED option for truss elements so all the elements have the same force. Keyword: *SET_SEGMENT_ADD, *SET_SEGMENT_INTERSECT. Add keywords *SET_SEGMENT_ADD and *SET_SEGMENT_INTERSECT. Keyword: *MAT_015 Add NUMINT parameter for failure of *MAT_JOHNSON_COOK shells. Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL Add geometric stiffness for type 6 beam. Keyword: *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_SLIPRING Add normal-force-dependent slipring friction. Keyword: *SECTION_SOLID Add 1-point pentahedron element (ELFORM=115) with F-B hourglass control for implicit and explicit. Keyword: *DEFINE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM Add local coordinate system option CIDL to *DEFINE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM. Keyword: *MAT_224 Add temperature dependent Young's modulus for *MAT_TABULATED_JOHNSON_COOK. Negative value of E is now interpreted as a curve. Keyword: *MAT_036, *MAT_133 Add heat treatment flag in *MAT_3-PARAMETER_BARLAT and *MAT_BARLAT_YLD2000. Imposes changes in yield and hardening properties due to local or global heating to simulate enhanced formability in aluminium sheets. Keyword: *MAT_133 Add Gosh and Hocket-Sherby hardening to *MAT_BARLAT_YLD2000. Keyword: *AIRBAG_HYBRID, *AIRBAG_WANG_NEFSKE Add option of not applying pressure to part representing the venting hole. Keyword: *MAT_ADD_EROSION Add new thinning strain failure criterion (EPSTHIN). Keyword: *MAT_054 Add new material parameter SOFTG to *MAT_ENHANCED_COMPOSITE_DAMAGE intended to soften GBC and GCA in crashfront elements. Keyword: *MAT_246 Implement *MAT_PML_NULL - PML material for MAT_NULL with EOS_1 or 4. Keyword: *RIGIDWALL_PLANAR Add DISPLAY option to *RIGIDWALL_PLANAR as means to display the wall. Keyword: *INITIAL_STRESS_SPH Implement initial stress command for SPH. Keyword: *INTERFACE_SPRINGBACK, *INITIAL_STRAIN_SHELL Make strain at all integration points available for MPP adaptive jobs. Add output of strain at all integration points to dynain and dynain.bin. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_FSIFOR Add three additional components to the binary fsifor database, namely, the x, y, and z components of relative tangential velocity. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_COUPLED, *DEFINE_SPOTWELD_MULTISCALE, *INCLUDE_MULTISCALE_SPOTWELD Implement loose coupling with other MPI programs. Currently only useful when linking with MPP LS-DYNA for modeling of multiscale spotwelds. Keyword: n/a Add check in MPP of installed memory on system and requested memory. If requested memory exceeds the real memory, the job will terminate unless command line option swapping=yes is on. This avoids some system crashes due to exhausted resources. Keyword: *DATABASE_TRACER Add NID parameter for assigning location of tracer by a massless node ID. Keyword: *DATABASE_DISBOUT Implement ASCII output file for discrete beams which includes relative displacements, rotations, force resultants, and orientation of the local coordinate system. Keyword: *MAT_208 Implement *MAT_BOLT_BEAM for discrete beams. Keyword: *ELEMENT_TSHELL_COMPOSITE Add *ELEMENT_TSHELL_COMPOSITE which allows an arbitrary number of through-thickness integration points to be defined in tshell elements that share the same part ID. Keyword: *LOAD_THERMAL_D3PLOT Replace *LOAD_THERMAL_TOPAZ with *LOAD_THERMAL_D3PLOT which allows temperatures from a thermal-only analysis to be used in a structural- only analysis. Keyword: *DATABASE_CPM_SENSOR Add cylindrical shape CPM sensor to get better pressure signal. Allow user to select a disk region near the segment in CPM sensor to collect more particle data and get much smoother signal from CPM. Keyword: *ALE_REFINE Keyword to automatically refine the ALE mesh. Each element is replaced by 8 elements if a criteria is reached. Keyword: *MAT_NONLOCAL Update nonlocal smoothing (*MAT_NONLOCAL) to support thick shell elements in addition to shell and solid elements. Also enabled fully integrated elements to be properly smoothed. The MPP version now fully supports *MAT_NONLOCAL. Keyword: *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION Implement the Arithmetic IF conditional for *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION. Keyword: *DEFINE_BOX_SPH Add a new option for DEFINE_BOX_SPH where by the box follows a node. Keyword: *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION Add "sensor" to list of functions for *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION so that *SENSOR_CONTROL may affect a curve. Keyword: *DEFINE_CPM_BAG_INTERAACTION Add new feature that allows the cpm particles vented from the master bag to be the input mass flow for the slave bag. Keyword: *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE Implement a user defined curve for the penalty stiffness like in *CONSTRAINED_LAGRANGE_IN_SOLID. If SFACT<0, abs(SFACT) is ID of the curve providing pressure-vs-penetration. Keyword: *ELEMENT_BEAM_PULLEY Add *ELEMENT_BEAM_PULLY for the definition of a pulley for truss beam elements (see *SECTION_BEAM, ELFORM=3). Currently, the beam pulley is implemented for *MAT_001 and *MAT_156. Pulleys allow continuous sliding of a string of truss beam element through a sharp change of angle. Keyword: *ELEMENT_MASS_MATRIX Add treatment of nodal mass matrices to implicit via *ELEMENT_MASS_MATRIX. Keyword: *CONTACT_..._ORTHO_FRICTION Add another method to specify orthotropic friction in contact but which is available in SMP and MPP. See also *DEFINE_FRICTION_ORIENTATION (SMP only). Keyword: *CONTROL_FORMING_PRE_BENDING Add *CONTROL_FORMING_PRE_BENDING  to allow blank to be prebent prior to gravity loading. Keyword: *CONTROL_FORMING_ONESTEP_option Add new feature for one-step forming simulation that determines an unformed blank size and thickness, and also provides stress/strain/ thickness of formed part for initialization in crash analysis. Option AUTO_CONSTRAINT allows nodal restraints to be applied automatically in implicit calculation to prevent rigid body motion. Option DRAWBEAD is used for application of extra draw bead forces. Option FRICTION applies friction along the periphery of the part, based on a user input “binder pressure”. Keyword: *CONTACT_SPOTWELD_WITH_TORSION_PENALTY Add penalty formulation to spotweld_with_torsion contact in both explicit and implicit. Keyword: *CONTROL_SHELL Allow the ISTUPD thickness update option to be invoked by part ID. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_CPMFOR Add binary output database for *AIRBAG_PARTICLE coupling surfaces. There are four components in the database, coupling pressure, fx, fy and fz. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_SPR2, *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION_SPOTWELD Add inverse distance weighting for distribution of motion, forces, and moments (INTP=2). Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_SPR2 Add option for *CONSTRAINED_SPR2 which enables choice of normals computation: incremental update (default), total update (new). ________________________ *AIRBAG ___________________ Keyword: *AIRBAG_PARTICLE Remove encrypted *AIRBAG_PARTICLE data from d3hsp. Keyword: *AIRBAG_WANG_NEFSKE Output airbag porosity leakage and venting hole leakage separately when CV=0. Keyword: *AIRBAG_PARTICLE Assign reference chamber ID for *AIRBAG_PARTICLE. Fix bug if chamber option and initial air option are both defined. Keyword: *AIRBAG_PARTICLE Improve computational efficiency of CPM chambers. Keyword: *DEFINE_CPM_BAG_INTERACTION Fix bug affecting multiple definitions of CPM airbag interaction. Keyword: *AIRBAG_HYBRID, *AIRBAG_WANG_NEFSKE Allow venting and porosity parameters to be defined using *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION. Keyword: *SENSOR_CONTROL Fix broken *SENSOR_CONTROL type 'AIRBAG' when airbag is defined with *AIRBAG_PARTICLE. Keyword: *AIRBAG_PARTICLE Enable PPOP in *AIRBAG_PARTICLE for opening internal vent holes due to internal/external pressure differential. Keyword: *DATABASE_CPM_SENSOR Add option for CPM sensor to monitor rectangular box. ________________________ *BOUNDARY ___________________ Keyword: *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_ACCELEROMETER Improve load curve parity check for *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_ACCELEROMETER. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_FINAL_GEOMETRY Add *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_FINAL_GEOMETRY to implicit. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_ORIENTATION_RIGID Fix MPP explicit handling of subject command. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_ACCELEROMETER Fix acceleration output to rbdout for *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_ACCELEROMETER. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_CYCLIC Add SMP and MPP support for multiple sets of cyclic boundary conditions. Add ID option to *BOUNDARY_CYCLIC for id numbers and titles. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_ORIENTATION_RIGID Fix implicit MPP implementation of *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_ORIENTATION_RIGID. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_SPC Fix bug whereby spc constraint got lost after trimming. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_USA_SURFACE Fix bug involving USA and dynamic relaxation Keyword: *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID Fix problem of nodal rigid bodies not moving when *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID is used with DOF=9/10/11 or VAD=4. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_SET Correct bug affecting *SENSOR when used to control *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_SET. ________________________ *CONTACT ___________________ Keyword: *CONTACT_..._MORTAR Fix bug in mortar contact. Keyword: *CONTACT Exclude shell edge contact in MPP if edges are from the same segment. Keyword: *CONTACT_..._TIEBREAK Issue warning about AUTOMATIC_TIEBREAK types < 0 (which are not supported in MPP) and switch to the corresponding positive type. Keyword: *CONTACT_TIED_..._CONSTRAINED_OFFSET Fix serious instability in MPP implementation of subject keyword and also a fix for tied contacts and adaptivity. Keyword: *CONTACT_..._MORTAR Add edge treatment in mortar contact. Keyword: *CONTACT Fix a segment based (SOFT=2) contact bug that could allow very thick parts to penetrate before contact is detected. Keyword: *CONTACT_TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE_OFFSET Fix MPP rotational stiffness of *CONTACT_TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE_OFFSET i in implicit. Keyword: *DEFINE_FRICTION Fix *DEFINE_FRICTION: DC and VC was swapped in the keyword reader in case PSET was used in PTYPEI/PTYPEJ. Keyword: *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_BEAMS_TO_SURFACE Fix bug whereby *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_BEAMS_TO_SURFACE did not work correctly if it was not the first contact surface defined. Keyword: *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC_... Fix 2D automatic contact for explicit solutions. When the velocity of penetration was very slow, it was failing to detect and prevent it. Keyword: *CONTACT_... Fix the neighbor segment checking (SFNBR>0) of segment based (SOFT=2) contact so it works when edge-edge checking is not active (DEPTH .ne. 5,25,35). Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR Fix a problem of noisy output to intfor in MPP. Keyword: *CONTACT_FORCE_TRANSDUCER_PENALTY Fix a bug in 2 surface force transducers when used with segment based (SOFT=2) contact. Keyword: *CONTACT_ERODING_... Enable segment based (SOFT=2) eroding contact to work with a segment set for the slave or master side. In this way, eroding can be disregarded on one side or the other, thereby saving resources. Keyword: *CONTACT_INTERFERENCE_... Increase depth of penetration allowed for *CONTACT_INTERFERENCE in MPP. Keyword: *CONTACT_... Add option to turn off near contact stiffness option in implicit after n cycles. Set IGAP>2. Keyword: *DEFINE_CURVE_ENTITY Fix bugs affecting *DEFINE_CURVE_ENTITY when scale factors/offsets are used or the first point of the curve is not (0,0). Keyword: *CONTACT_TIED_... Enable spot weld thinning for tied contact options OFFSET, BEAM_OFFSET, and CONSTRAINED_OFFSET in MPP. Previously, with spot weld thinning turned on via SPOTHIN in *CONTROL_CONTACT, contact thinning was based on proximity to part tied only with *CONTACT_SPOTWELD. Keyword: *CONTACT_2D_AUTOMATIC_TIED_... For 2D adaptive problems with tied contact, now print a tied contact report after each adaptive remesh to the messag file. Keyword: *CONTACT_TIEBREAK_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE Add warning for unsupported option TBLCID in *CONTACT_TIBREAK_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE for MPP. Keyword: *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_..._TIEBREAK Fix issues with MPP implementation of AUTOMATIC_TIEBREAK option 5. Keyword: *CONTACT_... Replace the check for initial penetration in segment based (SOFT=2) contact with a more accurate check that will not report nonsensical values. Add a new optional card E for *CONTACT in order to add a new parameter for segment based (SOFT=2) contact. By default, the segment pairs that share rigid bodies, or share nodal constraints, are removed form consideration of contact. This can cause pentration because 1 or 2 nodes of a segment may belong to a constraint or rigid body, but the other nodes may be in motion, causing the segment to be penetrated. When the new parameter (ISHARE) in field one of optional card E is set to 1, the sharing of constraints is no longer used to eliminate segment pairs and contact checking is done. Keyword: *CONTROL_DYNAMIC_RELAXATION Enable IDRFLG=2 on *CONTROL_DYNAMIC_RELAXATION to be used with segment based (SOFT=2) interference contact. Keyword: *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_GENERAL Fix incorrect sliding energy for beam contact. Keyword: *CONTACT_..._MORTAR Fix bugs in mortar contact. Keyword: *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_GENERAL Compute frictional energy for sleout when using *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_GENERAL. Keyword: *CONTACT_NODES_TO_SURFACE, *USER_INTERFACE_FRICTION Fix bug in user friction routine if *CONTACT_NODES_TO_SURFACE is used. Keyword: *CONTACT Segment based contact (SOFT=2 on optional card A) has been observed to be slower than R4.2 and R4.2.1. The slowdown, first noticed in R5.0, occurs when there are significant numbers of shells in contact that have thicknesses that are large relative to their edge lengths. In older, faster versions, the bucket sort was sometimes not sufficiently robust to identify thick segment pairs in time to treat contact with correct thickness offsets. In R5.0 and later, this is corrected, with the side effect that the bucket sort creates longer lists and the solution time is increased. However, if SHLEDG=1 on *CONTROL_CONTACT, this slowdown does not occur and new versions should run at similar speed to R4.2. ________________________ *CONSTRAINED ___________________ Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION Fix bug affecting *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION in MPP implicit. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_COORDINATE, *DATABASE_SPCFORC Fix the capturing of resultant forces for *CONSTRAINED_COORDINATE in implicit. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODY_STOPPER Fix problem affecting *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODY_STOPPER with VID=4 or 8. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION Improve error handling for when SGESVD fails for either *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION_LOCAL or _GLOBAL. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS_GENERALIZED Extend the rotation angle of *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS_GENERALIZED to allow initialization to +/- 180 degrees. Previously, phi and theta could initialize to only +/- 90. This change applies to the incremental update option (JNTF=0 on *CONTROL_RIGID). Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_SHELL_TO_SOLID Fix bug encountered when 9 solid nodes are included in NSID. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_COORDINATE Fix bug. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_LAGRANGE_IN_SOLID Add in support for thick shell parts as slave. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_SPR2, *CONSTRAINED_INTERPOLATION_SPOTWELD Fix for rare appearance of accuracy issues in single precision. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS_... Fix problem of *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS remaining in effect after joint fails. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_LINEAR_... Fix bug in *CONSTRAINED_LINEAR... if rotational DOF is specified. ________________________ *CONTROL ___________________ Keyword: *CONTROL_FORMING_PARAMETER_READ Fix problems in first adaptive step when keyword used multiple times. Keyword: *CONTROL_TIMESTEP Correct acceleration ouput for selective mass scaling. Keyword: *CONTROL_SOLID Extend ESORT parameter. ESORT=1, sort tets to type 10, penta to type 15 ESORT=2, sort tets to type 10, penta to type 115 ESORT=3, sort tets to type 10, penta to type 15, print elements that have switched ESORT=4, sort tets to type 10, penta to type 115, print elements that have switched Keyword: *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE, *CONTACT_DRAWBEAD Fix bug in adaptivity if the input contains drawbeads. Keyword: *RIGIDWALL_GEOMETRIC_..., *CONTROL_TIMESTEP Support geometric rigid walls in selective mass scaling. Keyword: *CONTROL_DYNAMIC_RELAXATION Fix related to distortional KE when IDRFLG=3. Keyword: *CONTROL_TIMESTEP Fix bug whereby selective mass scaling did not consider deletion of rigid bodies. Keyword: *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE Fix the problem of erosion of solid elements being turned off when *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE is used (excludes EFG). ________________________ *DATABASE ___________________ Keyword: *DATABASE_AVSLFT/MPGS/MOVIE Add error message if *DATABASE_EXTENT_AVS/MPGS/MOVIE is missing. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_D3PART Fix corrupt d3part database. Keyword: *DATABASE_PROFILE Upgrade *DATABASE_PROFILE for plotting distribution of an element or node component along x,y, or z-direction. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR Fix bug in intfor for SMP version if it is a thermal problem. Keyword: *PART_COMPOSITE Fix stress output to d3plot for *PART_COMPOSITE. Stresses for some int pts were zero. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR Fix bug in intfor for SMP if thermal solver is invoked. Keyword: *DATABASE Fix strain output for shell formulation 18. Keyword: *DATABASE_ELOUT Fix miscellaneous bugs in eloutdet output. *new Keyword: *DATABASE_ELOUT Add option for extra history variable output for all integration points to elout. Keyword: *DATABASE_SLEOUT Fix fricitonal energy output to sleout for implicit. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_... Fix SMP issue of missing d3plot states in small restart. Fix MPP issue of corrupt d3thdt data after second restart. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR Connect implicit mechanics with the intfor file. Keyword: *DATABASE_SWFORC, *MAT_100 Fix brick and brick assembly spot weld output to the swforc file when welds have failed after damage initiation by either plastic strain or the failure function. This was fixed for all failure options except opt 8 (DAMILER) or option 12 (user defined failure). Keyword: *ELEMENT_MASS_PART, *DATABASE_MATSUM Fix incorrect rigid body velocity and kinetic energy in matsum file when *ELEMENT_MASS_PART is used. Keyword: *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY, *MAT_002 Correct the CMPFLG output option for bricks comprised of *MAT_O02. The transformation matrix used to output in the local system was not being updated to account for element rotation. Keyword: *DATABASE_SPCFORC Fix implicit's output of spcforc for linear problems. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR Fix broken intfor output in MPP. Keyword: *DATABASE_RCFORC Fix bug in output of rcforc data for implicit. Keyword: *DATABASE_SWFORC Fix swforc output errors for hex spotweld assembly in MPP. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_D3PLOT Fix problem of MPP not properly continuing d3plot on restart. Keyword: *DATABASE_RCFOR Fix bug whereby incorrect forces were gathered by the RCFORC function of *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION. Keyword: *DATABASE_ABSTAT Output airbag interaction energy from master to slave bag to "reaction" field of abstat_cpm data written to binout. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_INTFOR Automatically reset contact print flags to 0 for *CONTACT_ERODING_... if user sets either flag to 1. The intfor database is not supported for eroding contacts. Keyword: *CONTROL_OUTPUT Fix broken display of tetrahedrons when TET10=1 in *CONTROL_OUTPUT. *DATABASE_BINARY_D3PLOT Fix bug in output of strain for 2D models. *mat Keyword: *MAT_169 Plastic strain rate (edotp) is now stored as extra history var#6 in *MAT_ARUP_ADHESIVE. Keyword: *CONTROL_OUTPUT, *DAMPING_GLOBAL Make clear in d3hsp that whenever *DAMPING_GLOBAL is used, the nodal accelerations output to nodout are averaged over the output interval. Keyword: *DATABASE_BINARY_BLSTFOR Allow output interval to be specified with a load curve. Keyword: *DATABASE_MATSUM Output internal energies for each ALE2D group to matsum (like in 3D). Keyword: *DATABASE_GLSTAT Also write part number when writing element ID and element time step to glstat and d3hsp. ________________________ *ELEMENT ___________________ Keyword: *SECTION_SOLID Slightly modify implicit elform3 to make it compatible with explicit elform3. Keyword: *SECTION_SOLID Fix the deformation gradient calculation for linear solid element type 18. A test case with material 123 was calculating material failure in the first cycle. Keyword: *EOS_USER_DEFINED Fix bug associated with *EOS_USER_DEFINED in combination with ELFORM4 tetrahedrons. Keyword: *SECTION_SOLID, *DATABASE_GLSTAT Fix spurious kinetic energy growth in glstat data of elform4 tets. Keyword: *ELEMENT_SHELL_NURBS_PATCH, *ELEMENT_GENERALIZED_SHELL Renamed *ELEMENT_NURBS_PATCH_2D to *ELEMENT_SHELL_NURBS_PATCH Activate *MAT_24 for isogeometric and generalized shells. Keyword: *INTIIAL_STRESS_SOLID Fix reading of initial stresses for pentahedrons. Keyword: *SECTION_TSHELL Fix problem of tshells not always eroding after reaching failure criterion. Keyword: *SECTION_SHELL, *SECTION_SOLID Fix problem whereby 1-point 3D solid elements and 2D solid elements could generate strain during rigid body motion when using single precision. Keyword: *DAMPING_PART_STIFFNESS Fix stiffness damping to work correctly for solids. Keyword: *SECTION_TSHELL, *CONTROL_PARALLEL Fix SMP parallel consistancy when PARA=1 in *CONTROL_PARALLEL for thick shell forms 3 and 5, brick form 18, tet form 13. Keyword: *CONTROL_ACCURACY, *SECTION_SOLID Correct pentehedral (form 15) brick element when used with invariant node numbering. The symptom was a lack of parallel consistancy, but the real problem was an incorrect calculation of the transformation matrix so the behavior of ortho/anisotropic materials was incorrect. Keyword: *SECTION_SHELL Correct bug in shell formulations 23 and 24 affecting result in pure bending. Keyword: *SECTION_SHELL, *MAT_138, *MAT_240 Fix bug affecting 2D cohesive elements (*SECTION_SHELL, ELFORM=46/47) comprised of *MAT_COHESIVE_MIXED_MODE or *MAT_COHESIVE_MIXED_MODE_ELASTOPLASTIC_RATE. Keyword: *SECTION_SHELL Fix stress output for triangular shell formulation 17. Fix output issues for shell element types 18, 23 and 24. Keyword: *SECTION_SHELL Fix bug in output of shell element type 18 (linear DK). Keyword: *SECTION_SHELL Add output of strain for 6-node triangular shell and 8-node quad shell (shell formulations 23 and 24). Also fix implicit formulation of these shells. Keyword: *SECTION_SHELL Improve load distribution in quadratic shell formulations 23 and 24. Keyword: *SECTION_SOLID Improve accuracy of solid element type 13 (tetrahedron). Keyword: *SECTION_SHELL Fix for thickness update of generalized and isogeometric shells. Keyword: *SECTION_SHELL Fix bug in rotation of fibers in shell formulationss 23 and 24, and allow mid side nodes to take part in rigid body. Keyword: *SECTION_TSHELL, *MAT_USER_DEFINED_MATERIAL_MODELS Fix thick shell forms 3 and 5 when used with user defined materials that have orthotropic properties defined (IORTHO=1). Without the fix, the strain increment, stress and deformation gradient transformations are incorrect. Keyword: *SECTION_SOLID Add clean error termination when wrong solid element formulation is specified for 10-noded tetrahedrons. ________________________ *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN ___________________ Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_BEM Fix BEM acoustics when using set_segment for acoustic field nodes. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_RANDOM_VIBRATION Fix bug in reading mode information in random vibration. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_RANDOM_VIBRATION Fix bug in reading modal information and writing d3rms in random vibration analysis. Keyword: *DATABASE_FREQUENCY_... Fix bug in defining output frequency curve for frequency domain databases. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_BEM Add a fringe plot option to all the BEM acoustic solvers. Update BEM acoustics to remove the limitation on number of acoustic field nodes. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_FEM Update frequency domain fem acoustics to introduce free pressure boundary condition. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_FEM Update frequency domain fem acoustics, to allow using the results of i transient analysis. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUTIC_FEM Fix frequency domain FEM acoustics for tetrahedrons. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_FRF Fix a bug in FRF computation with pressure load. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_BEM Fix a bug in restarting bem acoustics with SSD response. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD Fix bug in SSD with multiple excitations. Fix bug in SSD when using local damping option. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_RANDOM_VIBRATION Add xyplot output of psd_curve_print, converted from time history load, for random vibration LDTYP=2. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD Update on SSD to allow multi-axial excitation. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD Add output of beam integration point values in Steady State Dynamics. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_RANDOM_VIBRATION_FATIGUE Add the option to define SN fatigue curves by two equations, for random fatigue. Implemented Dirlik method to random fatigue analysis (mode acceleration only). Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_FRF Extend FRF to base velocity and base displacement excitation. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_ACOUSTIC_FEM Add Press_Pa_real and Press_Pa_imag output to frequency domain fem acoustics. Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_RESPONSE_SPECTRUM Add Double Sum method to response spectrum analysis (MCOMB=3). Keyword: *FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SSD Fix a bug in writing nodout_ssd and elout_ssd files. ________________________ *INITIAL ___________________ Keyword: *INITIAL_STRESS_SOLID Add transformation of solid stresses input with *INITIAL_STRESS_SOLID when *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM rotates geometry. ________________________ *LOAD ___________________ Keyword: *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED Fix blast wind velocity and wave index for BLAST=4. Keyword: *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED Report the minimum computed arrival time. Keyword: *LOAD_SSA Fix problem of incorrectly reading in explosive charge definitions. Keyword: *LOAD_THERMAL_VARIABLE_BEAM Fix problem of *LOAD_THERMAL_VARIABLE_BEAM giving wrong temperatures for tubular sections. Keyword: *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED Fix an index problem for the blast origin when multiple charges are defined. This problem elicited false warning messages during initialization and had no ill effect on the actual blast load. Keyword: *LOAD_RIGID_BODY Add warning message if *LOAD_RIGID_BODY part is a slave part in *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES. Keyword: *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE Fix problem when *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE and *LOAD_SEGMENT/*LOAD_SEGMENT_SET are used together for 2D analysis; problem was the effect of *LOAD_SEGMENT disappearred after adaptive step. Keyword: *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED When BLAST=4 in *LOAD_BLAST_ENHANCED, eliminate ground encounter when determining which entity is first hit by a shock wave. Use correct time parameters and scaled distance so velocity decay is correctly computed for encounter with the ground reflected wave. ________________________ *MAT ___________________ Keyword: *DEFINE_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES Fix case of The true area was not correctly used in the failure function, if the exponents EXSN, EXSB, EXSS were not 1.0. Keyword: *MAT_ADD_EROSION Fix GISSMO damage history output to d3hsp. Keyword: *MAT_156,_221,_226,_232,_233,_244,_267 Fix various material model bugs in *MAT_MUSCLE (for truss elements), *MAT_ORTHOTROPIC_SIMPLIED_DAMAGE, *MAT_KINEMATIC_HARDENING_BARLAT89, *MAT_BIOT_HYSTERETIC, *MAT_CAZACU_BARLAT, *MAT_UHS_STEEL, *MAT_EIGHT_CHAIN_RUBBER Keyword: *MAT_034 Make fabric material forms 12, 13, and 14 output global stress to the d3plot file like the other fabric forms and other materials. Keyword: *MAT_244 Implement *MAT_UHS_STEEL for 2D solid elements. Keyword: *MAT_100 Make *MAT_SPOTWELD/SIGY<0 consistent with *MAT_SPOTWELD/SIGY>0. Keyword: *MAT_174 Fix output of curvature to "plastic strain" position in output of *MAT_RC_BEAM. Keyword: *MAT_125 Fix energy calculation in *MAT_KINEMATIC_TRANSVERSELY_ANISOTROPIC. Keyword: *MAT_..._THERMAL Correct calculation of heat flux vector for orthotropic materials. Keyword: *MAT_036, *MAT_190 A bug fix for these materials in the case of equi-biaxial stretching. Keyword: *MAT_100 Fix for damage calculation in *MAT_SPOTWELD_DAMAGE-FAILURE when SIGY<0. Keyword: *MAT_THERMAL_USER_DEFINED Correct temperature in user materials in combination with 2D solids. Correct history variable handling in thermal user materials. Keyword: *MAT_233 Fix NUMINT option of *MAT_CAZACU_BARLAT. Add new options related to rate effects and damage. Keyword: *MAT_019 Make the strain rate the first history variable after the plastic strain for all versions of *MAT_STRAIN_RATE_DEPENDENT_PLASTICITY. Keyword: *MAT_181 Fix instability of *MAT_SIMPLIFIED_RUBBER/FOAM in full deck restart. Keyword: *MAT_224 Add *MAT_TABULATED_JOHNSON_COOK for type 13 tetrahedon. Keyword: *MAT_ADD_EROSION Modify GISSMO parameters SHRF and BIAXF. Keyword: *MAT_169 Add new option to *MAT_ARUP_ADHESIVE: If parameter BTHK<0, then do not modify time step. This helps to avoid very small time steps, but it can affect stability. Keyword: *MAT_036 Correct bad output of strains and thickness reduction to d3plot for *MAT_3-PARAMETER_BARLAT. Keyword: *PART_COMPOSITE Enable *PART_COMPOSITE to work with material types 104, 108, 122, 133, 135, 137, 157, 223, 226, 229, 233, 234, 235, and 242. Previous, a keyword error was reported. Keyword: *MAT_187 Fix for large curve IDs in *MAT_SAMP-1. Keyword: *MAT_123 Fix RTCL damage of *MAT_MODIFIED_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY_RTCL such the input parameter EPS0 is now used correctly. Add parameter TRIAX which is a limit on the triaxiality, beyond which damage will not grow. Keyword: *MAT_120, *MAT_120_JC Add extra history variable 16 to *MAT_GURSON and *MAT_GURSON_JC for convenience in checking against GISSMO damage model. Keyword: *MAT_082 Fix bug in *MAT_PLASTICITY_WITH_DAMAGE_ORTHO for brick elements and 2D solids which caused elements to spuriously vanish. Keyword: *MAT_024 and others Improve user-defined failure subroutine template matusr_24 including passing of updated strain. Keyword: *MAT_100 Fix the BETA>0 option for brick or brick assembly spot welds that use DMGOPT=2, 10, 11, and 12. Weld failure was not occuring after damage initialization. Keyword: *MAT_234 Fix calculation of sound speed for *MAT_VISCOELASTIC_LOOSE_FABRIC. Include element number when writing out failure message. Keyword: *MAT_124 Implement an optional Young's modulus for compression in *MAT_PLASTICITY_COMPRESSION_TENSION. Keyword: *SECTION_SOLID, *MAT_... Improve accuracy of type 13 (pressure-averaged) tetrahedron. Modify several existing material models for type 13 tetrahedron, including *mat_015, *mat_098, *mat_106, *mat_224. Keyword: *MAT_024 Made beam *MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTCITY plasticity iteration consistent i with *MAT_PLASTIC_KINEMATIC (*MAT_003). Keyword: *MAT_NONLOCAL Modify nonlocal failure for thick shells so that if elements are stacked, averaging will not occur with elements on the top and bottom, only those on the side. Keyword: *MAT_... Fix incorrect experimental curve data output to curveplot file for materials 76, 77, 134, 175, 176, 178 and 276. Keyword: *MAT_058, *MAT_158 Enable the negative AOPT (*DEFINE_COORDINATE_NODES) option for *MAT_LAMINATED_COMPOSITE_FABRIC and *MAT_RATE_SENSITIVE_COMPOSITE_FABRIC. Keyword: *EOS_... Add input check for duplication of EOS ID. Keyword: *MAT_CRUSHABLE_FOAM Fix instability problem of *MAT_CRUSHABLE_FOAM for plain strain analysis. Keyword: *MAT_107 Fix in Zerilli-Armstrong law in *MAT_MODIFIED_JOHNSON_COOK Keyword: *MAT_172 Modify *MAT_CONCRETE_EC2 so that when *INTEGRATION_SHELL or *PART_COMPOSITE is used, the AOPT-related angle is recalculated for each integration point. The standard LS-DYNA treatment is to get the AOPT-related angle from the first IP made of an orthotropic material, then use the same angle for subsequent points. Keyword: Various *MAT_... including *MAT_ADD_EROSION Fix for NUMINT<0 in materials 120, 123, 187, 224, and GISSMO: solid elements are now deleted directly after 1st IP fails, i.e., input value of NUMINT is ignored. Keyword: *MAT_272 Improve *MAT_RHT, including automatic parameter generation. Keyword: *MAT_072R3 Make updates to *MAT_CONCRETE_DAMAGE_REL3 per KCSE. Keyword: *MAT_072R3 Implement updates from KCSE for *MAT_CONCRETE_DAMAGE_REL3. Keyword: *MAT_244 Add option to *MAT_UHS_STEEL for automatic switching between cooling and heating algorithm based on the temperature slope. Fix scaling of heat flow due to phase transitions in *MAT_UHS_STEEL. Add thermal scale factor to *MAT_UHS_STEEL. Support heating and/or reheating of *MAT_UHS_STEEL. The heat equation is taken from Oddy et al (1996) Microstructural Predictions Including Arbitrary Thermal Historic ReAustinatization And Carbon Segregation Effects. Keyword: *MAT_098 Fix bug in *MAT_SIMPLIFIED_JOHNSON_COOK for implicit. Keyword: *MAT_021 Modify *MAT_ORTHOTROPIC_THERMAL so that it works with angles on the *SECTION_SHELL or *SECTION_TSHELL card to define material directions for layers. Keyword: *MAT_USER_DEFINED_MATERIAL_MODELS Fix plane strain and axisymmetric elements when used with orthotropic user-defined materials. This fix affects shell forms 13, 14, 15, 43, 44, 52, 53. The wrong strain and stress transformation was being done. ________________________ ALE ___________________ Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_LAGRANGE_IN_SOLID Fix PFACMM=3 option. Keyword: *DATABASE_GLSTAT, *DATABASE_MATSUM, *DATABASE_ALE_MAT Improve writing of internal energy for ALE parts. Keyword: *CONTROL_ALE Invoke preferred multi-material ALE advection method for explosive simulations by setting DCT = -1. Keyword: *ALE_FAIL_SWITCH_MMG Support ALE Multimaterial Group switching for failed material in MPP. Keyword: *ALE_FSI_PROJECTION Fix bug affecting this command in MPP. Keyword: *CONTROL_EXPLOSIVE_SHADOW_SET Implement this feature for MPP. Keyword: *DATABASE_FSI Correct the computation of the mass flux. Keyword: *CONTROL_ALE, *EOS_JWLB Initialize the *EOS_JWLB pressure with PREF and the relative volume (ALE formulation). Keyword: *INITIAL_STRESS_DEPTH Initialize the stress for each ALE group. Keyword: *ALE_AMBIENT_HYDROSTATIC, *INITIAL_HYDROSTATIC_ALE For these commands, add in support for *EOS_GRUNEISON but at significant cost owing to an iterative algorithm. ________________________ SPH ___________________ Keyword: *CONTROL_SPH Change default artificial viscosity formulation for SPH from Monaghan type artificial viscosity to bulk viscosity as is used for standard solid elements. This change was made to better conserve energy although in changing the default, SPH results will likely be affected. To reinstate the Monaghan type artificial viscosity when running R6.0.0, set IAVIS=1 in *CONTROL_SPH (Optional Card, 7th field). Note that IAVIS is not documented in the R6.0.0 User's Manual. Keyword: *..._SPH Fix bugs related to SPH with thermal solver. Keyword: *MAT_072, _173, _241 Add *MAT_072 for SPH. Add *MAT_MOHR_COULOMB for SPH but no support for material's LOCAL=1 option. Add *MAT_JOHNSON_HOLMQUIST_JH1 for SPH. Keyword: *SECTION_SPH Output bulk viscosity energy of SPH as hourglass energy. Keyword: *DEFINE_SPH_TO_SPH_COUPLING Fix read error for multiple *DEFINE_SPH_TO_SPH_COUPLING. Keyword: *CONTROL_SPH Update strain calculation (due to circumferential velocity) for SPH axisymmetry option. Keyword: *CONTROL_SPH, *DEFINE_SPH_TO_SPH_COUPLING Implement SPH CONT=1 and SPH-to-SPH coupling for MPP. ________________________ EFG ___________________ Keyword: *MAT_267 Add EFG compatibility to the *MAT_EIGHT_CHAIN rubber model. ________________________ *IMPLICIT ___________________ Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_AUTO Fix bug in implicit auto time stepping combined with keypoints. Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_AUTO Fix bug when using thermal dependent materials and auto time stepping in implicit. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_JOINT, *CONTROL_RIGID Fix issues with the SMP and MPP implementations of the implicit (LM) joints. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_CYCLIC Fix MPP implicit implementation of cyclic symmetry boundary conditions. Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_CONSISTENT_MASS Fix bug in *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_CONSISTENT_MASS (MPP only). Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL Properly handle the switching between explicit to implicit in the case of large rotations of rigid bodies. Keyword: *INTERFACE_LINKING_... Fix MPP Implicit's treatment of *INTERFACE_LINKING_... to match the year old changes to this feature for MPP Explicit. Keyword: *DATABASE_SPCFORC Fix output of spc forces in implicit. Keyword: *DATABASE_option Fix incorrect output to spcforc for implicit. Fix MPP Implicit error in collecting and reporting forces due to certain constraints. Keyword: n/a Tune up implicit memory requirements output. Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_CONSISTENT_MASS Add consistent mass matrices for solid types 1, 2, 10, 15; beam type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_... Fix handling of joints in the presence of curve-based implicit switching. Keyword: *SECTION_BEAM, *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL Stiffness matrix of type 2 beam was broken when IGS=1 (geometric stiffness). Keyword: *ELEMENT_DISCRETE Disable velocity dependent dampers for implicit static solution. Keyword: *MAT_054, *MAT_055 Enable implicit solutions with solids comprised of *MAT_ENHANCED_COMPOSITE_DAMAGE. Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_EIGENVALUE Fix stress output for implicit mode shapes. Fix improper handling of *CASE for implicit eigenvalue analysis. Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_... Fix the output to implicit databases (d3eigv, d3mode, d3iter) for 10-noded tetrahedra. Fix MPP writing of d3eigv for large problems. Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_SOLUTION Bug fix in implicit nonlinear solver 12. Keyword: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_STATIC_CONDENSATION Fix bug of incorrectly sorted nodes for *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_STATIC_CONDENSATION. ________________________ Thermal ___________________ Keyword: *CONSTRAINED_SPOTWELD The 2 nodes identified by this keyword will be constrained to the same temperture in a thermal only problem or in a coupled thermal mechanical problem. Keyword: *CONTROL_THERMAL_SOLVER, *MAT_244 The parameter TSF (thermal speedup factor) on the *CONTROL_THERMAL_SOLVER keyword will automatically scale the kinetic rate equations used in *MAT_UHS_STEEL. TSF is used for time scaling, such as when the punch speed is artificially increased when modeling metal stamping operations. Keyword: *MAT_172, *MAT_ADD_PERMEABILITY Fix bug whereby *MAT_CONCRETE_EC2 beams and shells did not respond to temperature change in a coupled thermal/structural analysis. Pore pressure analysis thermal expansion was also failing to respond to temperature change in a coupled analysis. ________________________ MPP ___________________ Keyword: *CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION Enhance decomposition option to allow isolate and distribute for multiple parts or part set. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID Fix MPP problem related to *BOUNDARY_PRESCRIBED_MOTION_RIGID when used with relative motion. Fix for MPP d3plot output, which was not honoring the IEVERP flag on *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY. Keyword: *MAT_NONLOCAL Add support for *MAT_NONLOCAL in MPP. Keyword: *ELEMENT_DIRECT_STIFFNESS_MATRIX Enhance MPP performance of explicit with superelements for large number of processes and small number of superelements. Keyword: *CONTROL_MPP_DECOMPOSITION_SHOW, *AIRBAG_PARTICLE Fix problem of viewing MPP decomposition when particle method is invoked. Keyword: *LOAD_SURFACE_STRESS Add MPP support of *LOAD_SURFACE_STRESS. Keyword: n/a Improve commonality between SMP and MPP in rigid body routines. Keyword: *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_SLIPRING Fix problem in MPP with sliprings having "optional orientation node". ________________________ Forming ___________________ Keyword: *DEFINE_CURVE_TRIM_NEW Improve 2D trimming: allow trimming curves to cross the part boundary many times. Fix a bug in trimming where SPC constraints could be lost. Keyword *INTERFACE_COMPENSATION_NEW Fix bugs in springback compensation: 1)rigid tooling now can be the exact same size as the deformed blank; 2)improvement in springback compensation with undercut; 3)blank can now be bigger than the rigid tool. *INTERFACE_COMPENSATION_NEW now allows multiple regions to be compensated at the same time, with keyword *DEFINE_CURVE_COMPENSATION_CONSTRAINT_BEGIN and *DEFINE_CURVE_COMPENSATION_CONSTRAINT_END. Keyword: *CONTROL_FORMING_SCRAP_FALL Allow displacement control of trim steel kinematics. Fix bug in scrap constraints release when trim steel is moving in local coordinate system Keyword: *DEFINE_CURVE_TRIM_3D Improve flanging simulation by allowing the user to control how far the elements from a defined curve can be selected for mesh refinement. ________________________ Discrete Element Method ___________________ Keyword: *DEFINE_DE_ACTIVE_REGION Fix DEM to DEM contact in MPP. Keyword: *CONTACT_NODES_TO_SURFACE Support part/part set input in N2S contact with discrete element sphere. Keyword: *ELEMENT_DISCRETE_SPHERE Add capillary force to simulate wet particles for Discrete Sphere Element. The particle-particle and particle-segment capillary force is calculated based on Langmuir 2005, 12, 10992-10997 Add rolling friction for discrete sphere element. Keyword: *DEFINE_DE_TO_SURFACE_COUPLING Include rotational DOF for discrete element to surface coupling. ________________________ Isogeometric Elements ___________________ Keyword: *ELEMENT_SHELL_NURBS_PATCH Allow degenerated nurbs-patches (multiple control-points at the same physical location) for isogeometric elements. Keyword: *ELEMENT_SHELL_NURBS_PATCH Make the transformation of parametric coordinates to physical coordinates of interpolation nodes compatible with MPP. Fix post-processing of stresses, ... via interpolation elements in case of multiple nurbs patches that share common edges. ________________________ Miscellaneous ___________________ Keyword: Fix interactive "cross" command in Material Model Driver. Keyword: *TERMINATION_SENSOR Terminate right after sensor-switch status is changed. Keyword: *SENSOR_DEFINE_FORCE Correct bug for MPP version of sensor_define_force. Keyword: *CASE Allow *KEYWORD_JOBID and *CASE together. Keyword: *DAMPING_FREQUENCY_RANGE Fix bug whereby damping applied was much greater than the input value if FHIGH/FLOW < 3.16 Keyword: *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_AUTOMATIC Fix problem of *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_AUTOMATIC not switching correctly for MPP. Keyword: *..._PORE_AIR Correct a bug for the retart of pore air simulation Keyword: *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM Fix *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM with *PART_CONTACT or *PART_COMPOSITE_CONTACT: Decay constant DC was not transformed correctly. Fix *AIRBAG_HYBRID with *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM. Fix *MAT_034 (negative LCUA, LCUB, LCUAB) with *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM: Scaling with FCTMAS, FCTTIM, and FCTLEN was not done correctly in this case. Fix *MAT_183 with *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM. Fix *CONTACT_... parameter CID_RCF (Optional Card C): Offset IDDOFF from *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM was not accounted for. Fix *MAT_100 with SIGY<0: Account for offset from *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM. Fix *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS and offsets from INCLUDE_TRANSFORM. Fix temperature conversion in *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM including h conversion in *BOUNDARY_CONVECTION and adding FtoR and RtoF. Keyword: *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_AUTOMATIC Fix bug affecting D2R automatic switching in MPP wherein small variations of contact forces between tire and road in a tire rolling example were observed. Keyword: *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL Allow *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL for element formulations that have midside nodes. Keyword: *SENSOR_DEFINE_NODE Clean up direction specification syntax for sensor. Keyword: *SET_PART_LIST_GENERATE Fix bug of *SET_PART_LIST_GENERATE not recognizing *PART_COMPOSITE. Keyword: *DEFINE_FUNCTION Accommodate triangular segments in pressure loading using *DEFINE_FUNCTION. Keyword: *CONTROL_ADAPTIVE Fix error in adaptivity restart if any elements have failed. Keyword: *SENSOR_DEFINE_NODE Fix incorrect behaviour when VID=Y/Z in *SENSOR_DEFINE_NODE and DIR=Y/Z in *DEFINE_COORDINATE_NODES. Keyword: *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION Fix a bug which gave null results for the translational velocity and acceleration functions (VX,VY,VZ,AX,AY,AZ) when the optional local coordinate system N3 was specified. Keyword: *BOUNDARY_USA_SURFACE Add USA support for implicit. Keyword: *TERMINATION_SENSOR, *INTERFACE_SPRINGBACK_LSDYNA Write dynain file when termination is due to *TERMINATION_SENSOR. Keyword: *INITIAL_FOAM_REFERENCE_GEOMETRY Calculate nodal mass and d3hsp mass properties of parts based on initial foam reference geometry instead of deformed geometry at initial state. Keyword: *DAMPING_PART_STIFFNESS Fix bug when damping is enabled in *DAMPING_PART_STIFFNESS and rayleigh damping energy is computed per RYLEN=2 in *CONTROL_ENERGY; shells may have had spurious stresses. Keyword: *DEFINE_BOX_LOCAL Fix bug affecting LOCAL option of *DEFINE_BOX. Keyword: *SET_PART_LIST_GENERATE Fix bug affecting *SET_PART_LIST_GENERATE when *PART_MOVE is present (null set was created). Keyword: *SET_..._COLLECT Fixed bug for *SET_SEGMENT_COLLECT and attributes of *SET_*_COLLECT. All attributes of *SET_PART_COLLECT, *SET_NODE_COLLECT and *SET_SHELL_COLLECT were not copied to the new set. Keyword: *PART_ANNEAL Add *PART_ANNEAL for MPP. Zeroes stress in part at specified time. ________________________ Uncategorized ___________________